Life Well Lived
God has showed you what is good. And what does He ask of you? To act with justice and to love unconditional forgiveness and walk humbly with Him. Micah 6:8 (my paraphrase)
There are six things that God hates, seven things that are putrid to him:
A prideful, arrogant way of looking at the world and its people,
A liar,
Anyone that destroys an innocent child, whether in word or deed,
A person who thinks of ways to hurt others,
Someone who chooses evil, without even a thought,
Someone who stands up and spouts lies about another,
AND someone who stirs up fighting and division among the family.
Proverbs 6:16-19 (my paraphrase)
Finally, dear ones, whatever is Truth, whatever is magnificent, whatever is correct and pure, beautiful, and to be admired, — if anything is excellent and makes you want to praise our Lord – think about these things. Philippians 4:4-8 (my paraphrase)
My friend, Janet, who is about 20+ years older than me, died today. She was and is a life well lived.
hi nice post, i enjoyed it