The Heart of My Worship
Henry recently pointed out an online article on The Christian Post about Dan Lucarini, author and apparently a former worship leader. (book: Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement)
It seems Mr. Lucarini left CMM because 1) he feels the music has its roots in un-holiness, ie, rock, country, etc CCM is “scandalous and offensive because of where it came from and what it means around us in the world today,” he argues. and 2) we like the music in our worship because – we like it! “Let’s be honest about it. It wasn’t to save souls. It was just because we like that kind of music and we’re the rebellious generation so we just basically thought we could do whatever we wanted,” he added.
I apologize to you now and I acknowledge that Mr. Lucarini’s reasons are his reasons. However, they are not valid reasons for denigrating a tool used by the Holy Spirit to bring many of us into the Throne Room of God to WORSHIP HIM!!! трахают молодых эротика канал
Every time I come to worship whether it is in a church or in my home or even in my car, I have to make a choice to focus on God. When I was attending church with hymns and an organ as music, I could mentally make my grocery list while singing “Amazing Grace”! I could listen to a sermon and make a list of how I needed to prepare and serve the dinner that I was going to produce for people joining us after church! It wasn’t the style of worship that changed my mindset – it was my heart.
Worship is about the heart. Matt Redman said it for me in his song, The Heart of Worship. Worship is my heart saying to God, “I LOVE YOU!”. And whether I want Him to do so or not, it also God saying, “I LOVE YOU, TOO, JODY!” Worship is about emotion. It is holy because He is holy!
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