Reimagine Worldwide
Dateline: Warrington neighborhood, Pensacola, FL
“If God be your partner, make your plans large.” Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899)
I know some people that live what Rev. Moody said. They have built on Jesus’ foundation in order to impact entire communities. They are called: Reimagine Worldwide. That’s right. They are willing to go into all the world. (Hmmm. That sounds like a Great Commission, doesn’t it?)
Reimagine projects “seek to impart the love of God and to promote unity within the body of Christ by building relationships within a given community between its residents, ministries, and area resources. As the physical needs of residents are met by the body of Christ, people on both sides of this event receive a blessing that ripples into all aspects of the community at-large. “
On Saturday, March 26, 2011, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Reimagine:Warrington is happening. And there are many things happening at this event in Lexington Terrace Park, 700 S. Old Corry Field Road, Pensacola, FL. Here are just some of the fun, food, and fellowship:
Flag football
Haircuts and manicures
Clothes shopping
Free Lunch!
Face painting
Performances onstage: singing, dancing, cheerleading, karate
Pony rides
Race cars
Fishing instructions
Career Counseling
Agencies present: Big Brother-Big Sister
Habitat for Humanity
Aids Foundation
If you live in the Pensacola area and you need a hand of friendship, come by the park and be blessed.
If you live in the Pensacola area and you want to serve, go to Reimagine Worldwide to sign up as a volunteer and be blessed.
More: Reimagine Worldwide has more outreach coming as they bring God’s extravagant love to Peru in June 2011 and the Brownsville neighborhood (Pensacola, FL) in October 2011.