Now On Pre-Order!
Katy Isaacs‘ book, The Unbroken Road that I shared with you earlier, is now on Pre-Order Sale until Friday, July 18, 2014. I am going to send a copy to my 11-year-old granddaughter!
Katy Isaacs‘ book, The Unbroken Road that I shared with you earlier, is now on Pre-Order Sale until Friday, July 18, 2014. I am going to send a copy to my 11-year-old granddaughter!
I wrote a devotion this week, My Expectations, that included the lectionary text, 2 Kings 5:1-14. It was only today that I took the time to read, slowly, Chapter 5 in its entirety. (sigh) The point of the devotion is that I need to obey God even when I can’t see the point of what…
God’s Guest List by Debbie Macomber (ISBN#978-1-4391-0896, Howard Books, 2010) is an unexpected guide into considering the people that God has brought into my life. Mrs. Macomber shares stories of family, friends, co-workers, employees, and even strangers who have been invited by God into her life. Each chapter has several short stories, notes from the…
As I went into worship this morning I knew that I had to “deal with some stuff ” today. Some things had happened in my week that had put unforgiveness in my heart. I didn’t like it and I didn’t feel good about it – but it was there. I don’t believe it was a…
Dateline: Warrington neighborhood, Pensacola, FL “If God be your partner, make your plans large.” Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) I know some people that live what Rev. Moody said. They have built on Jesus’ foundation in order to impact entire communities. They are called: Reimagine Worldwide. That’s right. They are willing to go into all the…
God made humann beings for righteousness, but they seek many alternatives. – Ecclesiastes 7:29 (ISV) Tonight is the last night of this year. Are you glad the year is over? Are you hopeful for this next one? I have met several people this week, in the grocery store, on the phone, and even in church…
It was interesting to me that when I went to Webster’s Dictionary that I found “gratitude” defined as being thankful and “thankful” defined as having gratitude. Hmmm. Neither word describes what I feel in my heart when I think of “gratitude” and “thankful”. It’s a deep feeling that is not the same as when I…