Mo listening!

To Whom Are You Listening?

I find it difficult to find my “Walter Cronkite” when I turn on the television or
internet. I am looking for someone who will report the truth, plain and simple, and
let me use the wisdom and discernment I’ve been given to decide who is saying or
doing the truth, the action I can get behind. When did the media and the U.S.
government decide that they needed to report the news and spin the news to their
interpretations of truth, their agendas, and then feed it to me like Gerber carrots?!
My observation is that the world has grown darker with the passing of time. This
week the local children have started a new school year. Their parents post pictures
of them smiling into the camera on social media sites. I also hear the fear as they
share as they prayed for them.

“Who by worrying can add one hour to their life?” Jesus spoke about worry
(Matthew 6) & after all the decades I’ve lived through, I think Jesus was right! I
know I have had good reasons to worry. But the worry did not bring answers or
peace or teach me any better principle than Jesus’.

So every Monday and Thursday I am going to post something here. I hope it will be
a “light” that we can carry and spread into this world. And, more importantly, may
The Light bring us His Spirit to discern truth and spread His Love to the people our
Father God brings into our paths.

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